Our Vision
Our vision is to provide academic consulting and tutoring that engages our students as complete and dynamic people. Just as a wheel rolls with many spokes acting together, all aspects of an individual - personal, academic, social, and communal - must be harmonized to achieve a full and balanced life. This belief is the foundation for our exceptional approach to tutoring and consulting, where we create personalized programs for each student.
We specialize in building students’ academic and personal self-esteem, bridging the complex aspects of their lives, and providing honest, relatable guidance for the future. Our teaching interweaves these focuses with constant attention to traditional and current standards of excellence. Our service model allows for the formation of effective, long-lasting relationships.
As part of our comprehensive approach, we include and encourage check-ins with parents/guardians. We view these meetings as essential opportunities to widen our scope of support. We meet with a student’s important adults to set goals, share updates, unite expectations, and provide methods for constructive contributions.
In addition to our paid services, we create free, interactive resources for students and families. These are intended to target areas of particular need in the populations we serve and to supplement our teaching. Our resources are easy to access, use, and share. We also offer office hours to all members of our community and send newsletters with organizational updates and academic insights.
As Spokes on a Wheel grows, we improve and expand our offerings in response to the needs of our community. Check out our ‘Start’ page to begin working or collaborating with us today!