December 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to the first-ever Spokes on a Wheel newsletter! We are glad to have you here. In these regular emails, we will share with the greater Spokes community our announcements, achievements, and ways to get involved. Read on for our Year in Review, Looking Forward to 2023, and Merchandise! We also invite you to forward this newsletter to relevant people in your network.
Merchandise Now Available!
There’s plenty to read about below, but let’s start with the fun stuff! We are selling cozy embroidered fleeces and colorful engraved Hydro Flask thermoses. This holiday season, enjoy one of our high-quality selections and spread the word about Spokes on a Wheel!
Year in Review
We founded Spokes on a Wheel on September 19th, 2022 as a passion initiative to offer person-focused 1-on-1 virtual and in-person tutoring. Since that day, our vision has broadened to include academic consulting, a term we use to refer to a student's life beyond the classroom.
The last few years have posed particular challenges to students of all ages and brought the importance of wellbeing into focus. More than ever, experiences outside the classroom affect what happens within it. We wished to provide a service that is responsive to these changes.
To meet this intention, we placed our emphasis on building students’ self-esteem and providing honest, relatable guidance. Students responded best when we kept up with their lives, took their interests seriously, and showed care about their future. We are developing our model around this insight. Specific approaches such as constructive meetings with students’ important adults have been crucial in actualizing our goal.
The Spokes on a Wheel brand and presence has steadily taken form. Zoe has created compelling imagery and language, from logos to content writing, that results in a distinctive brand identity. Our website, spokesonawheel.com, built and designed by Joshua, is a landing page for the company and a foundation for future ventures.
We have grown as a team, introducing Mateo Rodriguez as our Marketing and Social Media Manager. Have you seen our amazing posts and branding? His fresh perspectives, intuitions, and enthusiasm translate to content and outreach that is relatable, relevant, and fun! Through his contributions, we are active on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other community platforms.
Looking forward to 2023
Since getting started this fall, the list of offerings we provide has expanded continuously, and we’re excited to share with you the new directions our business will take.
In January 2023, a steady stream of free resources will be available on our website and highlighted on social media. Get excited for helpful content that runs the gamut from downloadable, grade-specific resume templates to gap year guides. We mean for these resources to provide an accessible point of entry to our business and to meet under-recognized community needs.
As we enter the new year and prepare these opportunities, we reflect on our original vision - providing for the whole student. Our goal for this year is to continue exploring how best to support students and their families while striving to create well-rounded and relevant offerings.